Sunday, February 5, 2017

2017, New adventures in India, just after the Women's March in DC...

So, an overall objective for this trip, is to go around collecting ideas and connecting with permaculture communities, seeing what people are doing on their farms or projects, with the goal of making a home somewhere someway somehow for Vishnu and extended to the kids I've worked with at the children's home in Chandrakal, now some years ago. They are getting to be grown ups and for a few that have fallen through the cracks of the system, this means not really having a steady place to be, and not supportive- that vulnerable fledGgling time.
     I meet up with Vishnu to go to Cosmos Green  Farm ( Seetha buys her vegetables from them in Hyderabad and she has set up a meeting for us.Vishnu swipes the camera, so he's documenting...
 Some garlic harvest coming...

Papayas just about ready

Tip toe-ing through the garlic

we came upon the ginger patch


     It's sewn among the trees

these are some curry pods

To the pepper domes..

I keep getting instructed to pose with the plants..

Inside the pepper dome, there are some beans growing off to the side, they are trap plants. The bugs are attracted to them and then they are picked and disposed of, so they stay away from the peppers.

 the squash dome...

After our farm tour, we interview Ayush
about Cosmos Green. Telugu and English. 
Vishnu reporting....

on the road with Vishnu

HI, testing, 1,2,3.... is this working?